ADT 7100 Dicing Saw/Processes/Sapphire

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About this Process
Process Details
Equipment ADT 7100 Dicing Saw
Technology Packaging
Material Sapphire


After loading your recipe with Define Job, Check your recipe for the correct Blade Type, Wafer Shape (Circular or Rectangular), Wafer Diameter (circular), Y and X dimension (rectangular), Wafer Thickness, Depth and Index (the distance between cuts).


Wafer Thickness Blade Spindle Speed Feed Rate
Up to 2 mm with a new blade ADT 00777-1045-008-QKP 18-24 KRPM 1-5 mm/sec


  • Kerf width is typically 230 µm.
  • It is normal to experience some chipping.
  • When cutting wafers thicker than 1 mm you should should use a thicker blade such as 00777-1045-010-QKP. Create a helpdesk ticket for help selecting a blade to order.


  • The total thickness of the wafer plus all other layers may be no more than 2 mm when using a new blade with the 4B785-4200-000 flange.
  • To keep the blade wear rate low, it is best to cut no more than 125 µm per pass.
  • When cutting wafers 500 µm thick, it will be necessary to make 4 passes per cut.
  • Flange size should be selected for the minimum blade exposure necessary to cut your wafer, with allowance for clearance and blade wear. See the SOP for flange selection based on wafer thickness.
