Bruker Quantax 200 Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer EDS

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Bruker Quantax 200 Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer EDS
Equipment Details
Technology Metrology
Materials Restriction General
Equipment Manual
Overview System Overview
Operating Procedure SOP
Supported Processes Supported Processes
User Processes User Processes
Maintenance Maintenance

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The Bruker QUANTAX 200 Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer (EDS) with XFlash®6 silicon drift detector (SDD) is a modular EDS system for qualitative and quantitative microanalysis. The system’s standard-less quantification software enables manual, automatic or interactive spectra evaluation and provides reliable results for specimens with polished or irregular surfaces, thin layers and particles. The SDD is what makes the XFlash detector extremely fast enabling the procressing of up to 1M signals per second which facilitates real time ColorScan, ultra fastt mapping and elemental mapping.



  • Whole image spectra
  • Atomic weight percentage calculations
  • Point scan spectra
  • Line scan spectra
  • Elemental mapping

System overview

Hardware details

The Bruker QUANTAX 200 EDS is installed on the Hitachi SU8000 In-line FE-SEM. It works best with the following conditions to generate sufficient signal for analysis:

  • Accelerating voltage ≥ 15 keV
  • Emission current = 20 µA
  • Working distance = 15 mm
  • Probe current = High

Substrate requirements

  • Most solids are allowed
  • The tool is able to take small pieces to up to 6” wafers
  • Unbaked polymers/adhesives, liquids, oils and anything that will outgas under vacuum are prohibited
  • Samples likely to decrepitate at low pressure should not be put in the vacuum system of the tool
  • Powder samples are prohibited
  • Pieces must be stuck onto the appropriate diameter stub using either double sided Cu tape or high conductivity Ag paste only (all other mounting methods are prohibited).
  • Magnetic samples require special use of tool functions. This is a separate training for users. Please create a Helpdesk Ticket if you want to image magnetic samples. If unsure, ask a staff member if the sample is safe for the tool.
  • Sample pieces must be small enough to fit on stubs. An appropriate size sample may be stuck onto the stub using double-sided Cu tape.

Material restrictions

The Bruker Quantax 200 Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer EDS is designated as a General class tool. Below is a list of approved materials for the tool. Approved means the material is allowed in the tool under normal circumstances. If a material is not listed, please create a helpdesk ticket or email for any material requests or questions.

Standard operating procedure

Widget text will go here.

Checkout procedure

  1. Read through this page and the Standard Operating Procedure above.
  2. Create a Helpdesk Ticket requesting training.
  3. A tool engineer will schedule a time for initial training.
  4. Practice with your mentor or another authorized user until you are comfortable with tool operation.
  5. Schedule a checkout session with a tool engineer via the helpdesk ticket system. If this checkout is successful, the engineer will authorize you on the tool.
