Private Chemical Policy

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Private Chemicals are allowed in LNF. To bring a new chemical into the lab , user must follow the Procedure for bringing a new chemical into the LNF.

This policy indicates how approval should be requested and how it is granted. During the approval procedure user will work with LNF staff by providing all the information requested by staff such as: SDS, process flow, sample information, etc. Once approval is granted user will be requested to write an SOP concerning the use of this chemical, if this chemical or material is used in a process other than the standard ones. The SOP should state storage location and waste procedure among other information. Private chemicals are to be labeled when brought into the LNF labs see Private Chemical Label Policy. Private chemicals are purged periodically, for an updated schedule of the chemical purge see schedule

You will also need to create an SOP for working with your chemical that will be reviewed by LNF staff. Please follow the SOP template provided.