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Equipment Details
Technology PVD
Materials Restriction Metals
Material Processed Parylene type-C
Sample Size Wafers, Pieces, larger substrates
Chemicals Used AP-174 Adhesion Promoter
Equipment Manual
Overview System Overview
Operating Procedure SOP
Supported Processes Supported Processes
Maintenance Maintenance

The PDS 2035CR is used to coat substrates, pieces wafers, etc with parylene. Parylene is a thin, transparent polymer coating that is conformal, usually pinhole free, has high dielectric strength, high surface and volume resistivity, and resists moisture, acids, alkalis, petroleum products and solvents. Parylene is also “body safe” which means it can be used to protect medical devices and implantable electronics. Parylene deposition is done using a 3-stage chamber that heats up dimer, "cracks" the vapor into a monomer and then condenses it into a highly pure, conformal parylene films at room temperature.


  • No announcements at this time.


  • The PDS 2035CR is used exclusively for Parylene deposition
    • Uses a pressure-controlled, steady deposition rate process for conformal, continuos films over a variety of thicknesses ranging from 0.01 - 50 um.
    • High temperature pyrolizing chamber that breaks down dimer material, leading to high-purity films
    • Has a separately heated and controlled Adhesion Promoter (AP) chamber to allow a vacuum coating of AP just prior to Parylene deposition

System overview

Hardware details

  • Cold-Trap assisted, Mechanically pumped 3-stage chamber running in the low mTorr range
  • 3-Stage Vacuum Chamber
    • Dimer Vaporization Chamber capable of controlled heating to 190°C
    • High-Temperature Pyrolysis Chamber capable heating to 690°C
    • Room-Temperature Deposition chamber with rotating stage
  • Adhesion Promoter chamber with separate heating control for in-situ AP coating
  • Computer-controlled recipes that run the heaters based on set base and deposition pressures

Substrate requirements

  • Tool can hold a variety of pieces and substrates (almost anything that will fit on the rotating table.)
  • Substrates must be non-outgassing and safe for low-vacuum

Material restrictions

The SCS PDS 2035CR is designated as a Metals class tool. Below is a list of approved materials for the tool. Approved means the material is allowed in the tool under normal circumstances. If a material is not listed, please create a helpdesk ticket or email for any material requests or questions.

Supported processes

  • Parylene C Deposition with or without Adhesion Promoter
    • AP_18mT_base_30mT_dep is set to run with AP (30 mT Pressure Threshold, 1 - 60min Promotion time.)
    • No AP_18mT_base_30mT_dep just heats the AP chamber up in the beginning.

Recipe Name Dimer Load Load Door SP Vaporizer SP Vap. Valve SP Furnace SP AP SP Process Start Pump Down AP End AP End/Vap. Dly Coating SP Coating End P Bakeout Time Cold Trap SP Chmbr Gauge SP
AP_18mT_base_30mT_dep 1.00 grams 180 °C 180 °C 180 °C 690 °C 190 °C 18mT 0 min 24 mT 0 min 30 mT 16 mT 0 min -75 °C 135 °C
No AP_18mT_base_30mT_dep 1.00 grams 180 °C 180 °C 180 °C 690 °C 180 °C 18mT 0 min 24 mT 0 min 30 mT 16 mT 0 min -75 °C 135 °C

Standard operating procedure

Checkout Procedure

  1. Create a Help desk Ticket requesting training.
  2. A process engineer will schedule a time for initial training. After completing training the user can attempt a checkout session. It may be necessary for some users to participate in more than one training session, prior to attempting check out.
  3. Schedule a checkout session with a tool engineer via the Help desk Ticket system. If this checkout is successful, the engineer will authorize you on the tool.


  • The PDS tool is cleaned periodically based on deposition accumulation (150-250 grams)
  • Pump oil is changed based on pump base pressure performance

Tool Pumping Performance

PDS Pumping:

  • Tool pumping performance varies quite a bit based on cleanliness of the tool, sealing of the o-rings, how long the chamber is open, humidity and any outgassing of samples that are loaded.
  • Time from recipe start to pumping start ~9mins.

Process Characterization

Thickness runs are done periodically - data is in the logbook.

Power Bump Recovery

The only maintenance that users are allowed to perform is power interruption recovery.