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Tnull is used to nullify templates in the monospaced font. It is similar to {{tlx}} in the way that it has support for many parameters.


Typing {{tnull|foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the edit window would yield {{foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the rendered page.

Special character handling

"=" (equality sign)

If there is a "=" character (equality/equals sign) in any parameter, it must be replaced with = [or {{=}}?]:

{{tnull|click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

Or you can use parameter-number=value as in:

{{tnull|click|2=image=image name|3=width=width|4=height=height|5=link=page name}}

Either method would yield the following output:

{{click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

"|" (vertical bar, pipe)

If a second consecutive pipe (|) is used to denote that a parameter has been skipped, you must replace it with | as in:

{{tnull|look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

That would yield the following displayed output:

{{look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

See also

General-purpose formatting

  • 1 {{tlg}} is the most general, allowing any combination of text style and/or link style options.
  • 2 Prevents wrapping of text by placing it inside <span class="nowrap">...</span> tags.
  • 3 Uses monospace font but not <code>...</code>.
  • 4 Allows links to templates in any namespace.

Other formatting templates

Code example Effect Notes
{{tl2|Hatnote|lang=fr}} {{hatnote}} Supports linking to sister projects (e.g., fr:Hatnote)
{{tlu|User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} {{User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} Supports linking to any namespace
{{xpd|Hatnote|Some hatnote text}} "{{hatnote|Some hatnote text}}" gives "
Some hatnote text
" [1]
Shows code, example and a link to expand the template code
{{para|title|<var>book title</var>}} |title=book title Formats template parameters for display, with or without values

With utility links

Code example Effect
{{lts|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote(edit talk links history)
{{t links|Hatnote}} Hatnote (edit · talk · history · links # · /subpages · /doc /doc edit · /sbox /sbox diff · /test) · Module:hatnote
{{tfd links|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (edit⧼dot-separator⧽talk⧼dot-separator⧽history⧼dot-separator⧽links⧼dot-separator⧽logs⧼dot-separator⧽subpages⧼dot-separator⧽delete)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tltt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}}
{{tetl|Hatnote}} {{ Hatnote }}
links talk view
{{tsetl|Hatnote}} {{ subst:Hatnote }}
 links talk view
{{ti|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk⧼dot-separator⧽links⧼dot-separator⧽edit)
{{tic|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk links edit)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tlt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (talk)
{{ttl|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (t/l)
{{twlh|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (links, talk)