User Resources
This page provides information and resources for LNF users and other members of the LNF community. It includes details about laboratory policies and corresponding documentation that can be used as reference. Material from the LNF user communications meetings and the LNF technology seminar series are also archived on this page. Links to other resources that can be useful to the LNF community are also included.
Lab policies
This section includes links to the LNF user manual and other documents related to LNF policies.
General lab policies
This section includes links to the LNF user manual and other documents related to LNF policies.
- LNF user manual part I: general information
- LNF user manual part II: emergency procedures
- Slides from the new user info sessions, updated June 2023.
- Mentor responsibilities and guidelines
- Requesting visitor access
- Requesting observer access
- Requesting access for students attending a course, demonstration or camp
- Professional conduct policy
- Badges and name tags policy
- Locker and gowning room policy
- LNF User Memorandum of Understanding (to read and/or print)
- CAD Room
- Lab kiosks and walkup PCs
- Data Purge Policy
Material and chemical policies
- Material Restrictions
- Private Chemical Policy
- Procedure for bringing a new chemical into the LNF
- Private beaker storage
- Request for LNF materials (liquid nitrogen, DI water, etc)
After-hours lab access
- After hours policies
- Requesting after hours access to the LNF
- Requesting after hours access to the EECS Building
Safety policies and information
Incident reports (Note that you will need to login with your LNF online services account)
- Please see the Safety section of the wiki for more information
Usage charges and financial information
- This RISE module details how you are billed for your activity in the LNF as well as how the charge reduction programs operate.
- How to request access to a new account or shortcode (for internal users). Here is the information that we need to set up a new account or change the shortcode that you have access to in the LNF online system - Note that account changes are *not* retroactive. The most effective way is to create a general Helpdesk ticket and email any additional information to
- name, contact information and approval of PI
- name, contact information and approval of financial reconciler (and contact information of any additional person who may need access to reports on usage/charges)
- complete chartfields
- funding source or agency
- project name
- relevant technical area (choose one from: Electronics, Optics, MEMS, Materials, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Medicine, Geology, Process Technology, Other)
- How to distribute your room charges if you have multiple active accounts (lab time apportionment)
- Archived financial memos and related files including tool rates and complete fee schedules.
- Internal (U-M) billing procedure and details of the CoE-funded charge reduction programs for internal users
- How to obtain LNF usage reports from the Online System (for both users and PIs)
- A Dashboard for Principal Investigators has been developed to include other relevant information for PIs.
User communication meetings
Please see below for slides presented during recent LNF User Communication Meetings, which provide updates about lab operations and other information relevant to the user community.
October 15, 2024 presentation slides and video recording.
May 16, 2024 presentation slides and video recording.
February 29, 2024 presentation slides and video recording.
November 1, 2023 presentation slides and video recording.
May 18, 2023 presentation slides and video recording
January 19, 2023 presentation slides
Slides from earlier user communication meetings
Link to archived announcements, including LNF monthly email update
LNF Council
The LNF Council consists of at least six members, typically faculty users of the LNF from a variety of departments. The role of the LNF Council is to assist the LNF Director with strategic planning for the LNF and to provide guidance concerning operations. See this page for more details about the LNF Council. Feedback and/or questions about LNF operation are always encouraged. The LNF council is an important point of contact for independent discussions. You can contact them at (please note that this email address does not include the LNF director or managing director, whose emails are and, respectively.
LNF Users Committee
The LNF Users Committee is formed by volunteer academic, or non academic, members of the LNF users community. The group meets every other week to discuss matters relevant to the users such as: lab improvement, policies, social activities, outreach, safety, etc. The LNF Users Committee is an important resource for LNF users as it is a path to voice concerns and bring new ideas and solutions. Users can contact the committee at All users are encouraged to participate and be part of this group. The LNF Users Committee has an important role in LNF outreach activities and the welcoming of new users.
Other communication methods
For more updates and to stay in touch, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. And to ensure that you don't miss any time-sensitive announcements, subscribe to our separate LNF Alerts twitter feed!
For existing members of the LNF community, the Helpdesk ticket system is the best way to request something from the LNF staff.
In addition to the Get in Touch page that is available on the LNF website, we have set up several email list to contact groups of LNF staff.
- for general information about LNF usage, capabilities, user support, lab tours etc.
- for details about access to the lab.
- for issues related to access cards (access cards questions, change of room access, etc).
- for questions or requests related to LNF fees, accounts or charges.
- for questions related to feedback entries.
- for questions about the LNF Online Services.
- for safety questions or concerns at the LNF.
- for questions related to purchasing supplies for LNF usage.
User Training and Education
Gowning Videos
These videos demonstrate how to properly gown up and degown for the clean room and ROBIN labs.
Virtual training modules
These modules are being developed to supplement in-person training sessions and allow for more effective support while maintaining the required low onsite occupancy and absence of group sessions. The first modules were released in September 2020 and more are being added as they are developed.
- LNF Online Services - RISE Module and PDF
- Getting Started in the LNF - RISE Module and PDF
- Wet chemical processing
- Optical lithography
- Introduction to Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
- Wafer mounting for RIE
- Tutorial for photomask designing in K-Layout
LNF Tech Talks (technology seminar series)
The LNF Tech Talks (formerly known as the LNF technology seminar series) aim at educating and better informing users of LNF capabilities and technologies. The talks typically start with an overview of the technology or technical topic, including physics and applications, then provides specifics details about the corresponding LNF capabilities. Finally, there are opportunities for discussion of LNF user specific challenges. All archived video recordings are available here. See below for individual recordings and separate copies of the slides.
- SEM and EDS - December 11, 2024, Vishva Ray and Rob Nidetz: Video recording and complete slides.
- Atomic Force Microscopy - October 9, 2024, Jorge Barreda and Brian Armstrong: Video recording and complete slides.
- Lithography - May 16, 2024, LNF Staff: Video recording and complete slides.
- ALD - November 16, 2023, Matthew Oonk: Video recording and complete slides.
During the lab closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we scheduled weekly virtual Quarantine Tech Talks. Slides and video recordings are listed below.
- Photolithography May 22, 2020, Katharine Beach, Matt Gutierrez and Shawn Wright Video recording and complete slides
- Metrology May 15, 2020, Brian Armstrong Video recording and complete slides
- Mask Making May 8, 2020, Jorge Barreda Video recording and complete slides
- Wire Bonding May 1, 2020, Steven Sostrom, Jorge Barreda Video recording and complete slides
- RIE April 24, 2020, Kevin Owen Video recording and complete slides
- PVD April 17, 2020, Matt Oonk and Sam Edwards: Video recording and complete slides
- E-beam Lithography Part 1 of 2 - April 10, 2020, Vishva Ray: Video recording and complete slides
- Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and their applications to devices - October 19, 2018, Jorge Barreda: Video recording and complete slides
- Direct Writing in the Heidelberg - June 29, 2018, Vishva Ray: Video recording and complete slides
- Flip Chip Bonding - October 26, 2017, Katharine Beach: Video recording and complete slides
- PECVD - April 14 2017, Brian Armstrong: Video recording and complete slides
- Wafer bonding - May 5, 2016, Greg Allion, Rob Hower: Video recording and complete slides
- Wafer cleaning - March 25, 2016, Rob Hower, Kevin Owen, Nadine Wang, Greg Allion, and Pilar Herrera-Fierro: Video recording and complete slides
- Annealing - November 21, 2014, Terre Briggs and Rob Hower: Slides
Archived Tech Talks
This is a page with older versions of LNF Tech Talks
LNF Graduate Student Panels
These are video recordings of informational panels hosted by senior LNF members.
- Video recording of the May 16, 2024 panel on "Tips and Tricks for Being Successful in the LNF".
Other resources
Here are additional resources that can be useful to the LNF community.
LNF acknowledgments
List of External Contractors providing Processing Services
Below is a list of external contractors who perform processing in the LNF as a service. These consultants are not affiliated with the LNF, but are authorized, experienced users of the facility who accept contract work for fabrication projects. Please contact them directlty if you have any questions or want to enquire about using their services.
Hawk Semiconductor, LLC
Thomas Daunais
(231) 740-2720
Crystal Cybernetics LLC
Christopher L Frewin
1230 S Otter Creek Rd
Monroe, MI 48161
(813) 545-7065
NUMED Technologies, LLC
Robert Hower
(734) 827-4370
Eywa Neuro
Kaustubh Deshpande
Information for proposals
Facility description for proposals
Overview slide to include in presentations: see below for two layout options.