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This page displays information about how LNF usage charges are calculated and possible ways for users to optimize them.

Overview of charge calculation and optimization

Please see the relevant slides from the new user info session

Optimizing room charges

Daily access fee

  • Cutoff is midnight. Avoid entering at 11:59pm or exiting at 12:01am
  • During light processing months, plan your work to combine steps in a single day, rather than over multiple days.
  • Note that for many users, the average time in lab is only ~ 2 hours / day

Entry charges

  • Plan before you enter the lab to minimize entries/exits
  • If you are in a special situation, request room charges to be forgiven, by creating a Helpdesk ticket through Online Services > Help > Helpdesk

Optimizing tool charges

  • Remember that your are responsible in full for unused/uncancelled reservations
  • If you no longer need the reservation, cancel ahead of time (>2h)
  • Cancel even if it’s the last minute so that others are able to use the time if they can
  • If part of your reservation is used by someone else, they are being charged for it, not you
  • If you start your reservation late or finish early, you are still responsible for the unused portion of your time slot
  • If you need additional time and the tool is available, update your reservation or make a new one, do not use overtime for extended period
  • If the tool malfunctions, request charges to be forgiven, by creating a Helpdesk ticket from the tab on the tool page in the Online Services scheduler. Note that this can be done during 3 business days after the run
  • Booking fees were removed during the COVID -19 pandemic

Optimizing store charges

  • If you are done using the lab and no longer need a drybox, cancel the reservation. Otherwise, monthly charges continue automatically.
  • Non-academic users: please remember that the external non-academic multiplier applies to all charges, including store charges.