Laurell Spinner

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Laurell Spinner
Laurell Spinner Ws-650-23B
Equipment Details
Technology Lithography
Materials Restriction Metals
Chemicals Used Photoresist, Polyimides, PDMS, other with approval
Equipment Manual
Overview System Overview
Operating Procedure SOP
Supported Processes SU-8 2100, 2050, 2005, 2010, Polyimide 2610 and 2611
Maintenance Maintenance

The Laurell Spinner Laurell spinner is located in the ROBIN lab. A great variety of materials, that are not allowed to be spun in the clean room, can be spun here. This new tool replaces the old Solitec spinner and it is, as always, associated with the Solvent 94 bench. In order to reserve this tool users must reserve Solvent 94 bench. The main uses of this spinner are for soft lithography, polyimide processing and surface protection for dicing. There are just a few photoresist available for this tool, but users can bring private photoresist, or other spinnable materials provided they are approved.


  • Aluminum foil on the lid helps with the cleaning. If users do not want to use it is fine, as long as the tool is throoughly claned after use
  • When spinning a thin phtoresist we recommend to remove the aluminum foil or puddles formed during spinning will empty when opening the lid and ruin the sample
  • Users spinning Polyimide must be extra careful and make sure spinner is clean after use. Polyimide dries up and forms flakes that will deposit ruin the freshly spun film.


  • Can spin 100 mm, 150 mm, glass slides and pieces
  • wafer aligner tool

Chemicals Spinned in this Bench

  • SU-8
  • Polyimide
  • PDMS
  • Photoresist for dicing protection

System overview

Hardware details

  • This tool is exhausted
  • There are different chucks for wafers (100 mm and 150 mm use same chuck), glass slides and pieces
  • The spinner door must be closed and vacuum must be on to operate the tool
  • Users MUST clean the bowl and lid throroughly after each use

Substrate requirements

  • Wafer must cover the chuck used completely. If not photoresist will be aspirated down the vacuum hole and eventually clog it
  • Back of the wafer MUST be clean or vacuum will not be good enough for the spinner to operate
  • Square samples will not spin a uniform film, material will accumulate on the corners, consider this and surface tension of the fluid when choosing the substrate

Material restrictions

When spinning a material not listed above, contact tool engineer.

Supported processes

There are several recipes supported by the LNF, Recipe 0 - 11 these recipes can not be changed. Recipes 12 - 20 can be modified by the users. Training includes how to modify or create recipes

Standard operating procedure

Widget text will go here.

Checkout procedure

  1. Read through this page and the Standard Operating Procedure above.
  2. Create a Helpdesk Ticket requesting training.
  3. A tool engineer will schedule a time for initial training.
  4. Practice with your mentor or another authorized user until you are comfortable with tool operation.
  5. Schedule a checkout session with a tool engineer via the helpdesk ticket system. If this checkout is successful, the engineer will authorize you on the tool.


Process name